

- Certified Professional Manager

It in association with UK accredited certified professional manager.

- Individual Member

Criteria for Individual Membership

Membership grade is granted with reference to the following factors:

Area of Supply Chain

Length of employment within one of the Supply Chain fields listed below:

Product/Brand Management
Public Relations
Supply Chain Consultancy
Supply Chain Services
Conduct of Supply Chain Education or Training
Market Research

Management Responsibility

Length of employment at a managerial position.

Supply Chain Qualifications

Level or achievement in professional Supply Chain education. (Please refer to the session of Academic Qualifications for Membership

Grades of Membership

Fellow (FISCM). By invitation only.

Member (MISCM). A person with at least one of the approved Supply Chain qualifications for Membership listed in the session of Academic Qualifications for Membership and has been employed for at least three years in a recognized area of Supply Chain. The applicant must be employed at time of application for a minimum of one year either in a recognized Supply Chain management appointment or Supply Chain education or training.

Associate (AISCM). A person must have at least one approved Supply Chain qualification, or have, at the time of application, at least three years of full-time working experience in a recognised area of Supply Chain with a minimum of one year in a recognised Supply Chain management or Supply Chain education/training appointment, or equivalent.

The membership committee of Supply Chain will elect the applicant to the highest membership grade according to his/her qualifications. Applicants need not select a membership grade in their application. An applicant may be elected to the membership grade upon recommendation by the Executive Council

Academic Qualifications for Membership (or Graduateship)

ISCM Graduate Diploma / Diploma in Supply Chain (old syllabus)

University graduates with Supply Chain specialization

Other ISCM approved Professional Postgraduate Diploma / Graduate

Diploma / Higher Certificate in Supply Chain

Academic Qualifications for Associateship

ISCM Diploma / Certificate in Supply Chain (old syllabus)

University graduates in a Business related subject

Other ISCM approved Diploma / Certificate in Supply Chain

Overseas awards of an equivalent standing with the Hong Kong qualifications listed elsewhere may also be accepted to fulfill the academic requirements for Associateship / Membership.

Appropriate documents including certificates, transcripts, study syllabus, etc. MUST be provided for consideration by the Institute. Applicants who are members of UK Chartered Institute of Supply Chain automatically qualify for membership of the same grade.

- Grades of Membership

Ø          Associate Member: An individual working or interested in the logistics profession or a related activity seeking to improve their competence through professional activities.

Ø          Full Member: An individual who is fully accredited from the accreditation board of Institute of Supply chain Management.

Ø          Fellow Member: An individual who is fully accredited from the accreditation board of Institute of Supply chain Management and a related University (Honors) Degree.

Ø          Student Member: An individual carrying a full-time or part-time academic program in the fields of logistics as a graduate or undergraduate in a school of recognize standing.

Ø          Corporate Member: A special corporate membership application is available at I-SCM Headquarters.

Ø          Certified Professional Manager: Fellow member with 3 years related experience. Certified professional manager can apply for the some in IMS award.

Dues Structure (Member Year: Based on Anniversary Date)

Membership Type

New Member


Associate Member

$ 600


Full Member

$ 800

$ 700

Fellow Member

$ 1000

$ 900

Student Member

$ 600

$ 500

Corporate Member

$ 5,000

$ 4,500

Certified Professional Manager

$ 3,000

$ 3,000

Application Form